Two Feet and Wings

A Perspective on food, life and things alike



Hot Pot ready to boil

Remember how 2020 started and took off in the worst way possible? It’s 2021, and it’s no different. We initially found innovative ways to keep our sanity in check however, it didn’t last long. We slowly slipped into a constant […]


The Aeonion Loop

Living through another ‘Groundhog day’ where the events repeat everyday in your confined indoors; a never-ending loop of events that seems eternal. Argh..You wake up and peep out the window to see if anyone is celebrating a magical end to […]


A Crown of Idiocy

Teach and people ought to follow. Discipline is taught at an early age. Mothers teach their children (assumed all mothers do) about discipline, rules and regulations which is further reinforced with exposure to schools and people. Personality, character development and […]


The Evolutionary Necessity

Needs and necessities were constructed constants to aid us in our existence. Basic food, water, clothes and shelter made the list aeons ago. With the passage of time, needs obviously changed and evolved into commodities that pretty much became indispensable […]


A Bleak Travel Program

How is travel going to look from now on? Especially the wanderlust folks who draw their energy from constant travel are pondering over their future plans. While we know nothing is permanent and this tough time shall also pass, it […]