Two Feet and Wings

A Perspective on food, life and things alike



Let Go…

The mere thought of ‘letting go’ of something or someone significant from your past seems daunting. The whole idea of letting go of things from the past that no longer holds relevance to your life sounds like an irrevocable and […]


An unfair life

You have lived almost half your life. That’s when you realize you haven’t gotten anywhere. It’s usually around the birthday time when you reflect on your life. You’re alone. Maybe, not literally, but you sort of are: emotionally. There isn’t […]



You may have come across techniques to seek happiness. You might have read books, articles, and videos that talk about finding ways to be happy. If we follow their advice, word by word, we might be able to lead a […]


The Aeonion Loop

Living through another ‘Groundhog day’ where the events repeat everyday in your confined indoors; a never-ending loop of events that seems eternal. Argh..You wake up and peep out the window to see if anyone is celebrating a magical end to […]