Two Feet and Wings

A Perspective on food, life and things alike


Kerala Food

This month has been a busy one. Considering how I haven’t travelled anywhere in a long time, there were lots of travel and meetups in the last few weeks. The highlight was my week-long trip to my hometown- Kerala. I […]

Angry emoji on stress ball


Let’s talk about anger. How often have we gone ‘Hulk-level’ green? Big and beastly, growling and ready to destroy. An emotion so common and most controllable, yet, we lose control with ease. It feels like the shackles are not ours […]

Geometric shaped round designs

Mandala Art

‘Life keeps us busy.’ We’ve heard of this and have experienced it too. You are often tied up with routine daily life tasks that finding time for yourself without worrying about anything or anyone is rare. And when you do, […]