Two Feet and Wings

A Perspective on food, life and things alike


U-turn to simplicity

We want to move ahead, adopt new technologies and practices to transcend in our evolving world. Machines and technology have been in place to make our lives simpler. So simple that you don’t need to exert an additional muscle to […]


Festive Blues

Festivals are a time of joy. You have lights, love, laughter, and a sense of belonging and togetherness that peaks during this time. There are celebrations, photos and lots and lots of delicious treats. All these make sense as long […]


The Aeonion Loop

Living through another ‘Groundhog day’ where the events repeat everyday in your confined indoors; a never-ending loop of events that seems eternal. Argh..You wake up and peep out the window to see if anyone is celebrating a magical end to […]