Two Feet and Wings

A Perspective on food, life and things alike



Food Crawl

It was after many years that I met with two of my close friends. Post pandemic, it was difficult to get the three of us to meet and eat and talk.With one of my friends being out of the country, […]


Kerala Food

This month has been a busy one. Considering how I haven’t travelled anywhere in a long time, there were lots of travel and meetups in the last few weeks. The highlight was my week-long trip to my hometown- Kerala. I […]


Hot Pot ready to boil

Remember how 2020 started and took off in the worst way possible? It’s 2021, and it’s no different. We initially found innovative ways to keep our sanity in check however, it didn’t last long. We slowly slipped into a constant […]


Food from Home

Experiencing food and dining from restaurants and hotels had become a part of our lives; classified as a necessity, perhaps. Eating out and indulging in fancy dining experiences had become a rage and it acted as a surviving force against […]


All Hail, the Baker

I always consider a ‘kitchen’ to be a battlefield of sorts. A physical and emotional field where there are techniques, strategies, conflicts, planning and rationing, (pain too) where you emerge victorious or down right defeated. As terrifying (and exaggerated) as […]

Food pictures on instagram

Lockdown ‘Chefs’

While the world is gripping on the pandemic fear, a large population of people are adapting to an indoor world at this time. This leads to a vital question, what are Instagrammers upto?  The ones who could never stop posting […]



I want it.. I must have it.. My Precious… Remember the ‘one ring that rules them all’? It was probably made of chocolate. Not fair to compare to Gollum’s fixation, but I do like to have anything chocolatey that comes […]