A new year, a new me?! Every year ends with a review of “That was one hell of a roller-coaster ride!” Come to think of it, which year isn’t it?

It’s strange to believe that the new year will bring calmness like a stable ride on a placid lake. That the new year will probably bring peace and all that jazz, let’s be honest this time. The year is going to be mixed as every other year. Ups and downs are going to be a part of it. It’s all about hoping for a not-so-damaging balance. Hoping that the downs are not going to be a total downer. Hoping I will still be able to get by without severe damage. 

I wish to approach this year with openness and zeal for experimentation. Acceptance that not everything will be smooth. Accepting that it is a tough road ahead, but it is a path I have willingly chosen. Not everything will lead to fructifying results, but to accept that I’ll get there eventually. 

With the means and knowledge gained in the previous year, I wish to experiment with all of them this year. Put in extra effort and time to get things rolling in the digital space.

Due to new territories and jam-packed learning, I couldn’t spend time in the second half of 2022  writing blogs on my favourite website (this one, of course!). Compensated for it with tons of news story writing. It was reporting and feature articles, and it was formal. I miss posting my cryptic personal stories here. I will work towards that. 

The 2nd half of 2022 also saw a huge decline in reading novels but a spike in reading news: all kinds of information. The worst hit was personal fitness for lack of time and energy. Did not compensate for it with anything else.  

Knowing that the road ahead is arduous, unpredictable and petrifying, I will tackle it head-on (this is my Monday motivation speaking). It was sad when I realized that though you may meet new people and probably strike good friendships with them, a few of the old ones drift away. You are also reminded of the fact that making new friendships as you age is no easy feat. Even if you do, it’s almost impossible to make that friendship eternal. If you are lucky, few good ones appear, and they stay forever (“if” you are lucky!). Research says you stop making friends (and losing friends) at age 25! I am a decade past that, and I live with the hope that research studies can go wrong. 

Last year was focused on resilience. Resilience to fight and shield against hostile forces, society biases, and mostly the inner self that sides with ‘failure.’ I know all those things will spill over to the new year and probably all the years from here on, but I guess the more it happens, the more familiar it becomes. “Nothing new, same old.” It might make me more resilient or weak; I’ll choose the former (manifesting positive thoughts..whoosh). 

A lot of negative forces were consciously blocked by the end of 2021, making 2022 simple when dealing with people. The blockage might have created a hole.Glad, it wasn’t black and not sucking the good vibes. 

I hope the missing pieces of the puzzle will ultimately find their way (in a good way), and everything will start to make sense. 

I wish for good health, prosperity, happiness and humility. To you, to my loved ones, and myself. Here’s to the new year 2023! 
