The idea of starting something new can always be scary. Going to college, starting a new job, being a new parent, buying a house, performing at a gig, or starting any kind of commitment, can sound frightening. You are looking forward to it but also skeptical about it. You want it but also dread it. How are you supposed to go ahead? 

We all have apprehensions when we do something new. It’s mostly the uncertainty that tries to hold us back. As we age, the uncertainty acts with full vigour. We might have collected enough life experiences that might deter us. For me, fear of failure is what looms overhead. I would need to shake myself to fall off the self-doubt wagon. While I would enthusiastically want to do something different, I also need to tell myself persuasively that I will succeed. I, hence, started thinking from a different perspective. Is uncertainty that bad? 

Not knowing what a new adventure brings is the thrilling bit. Not knowing what lies ahead can be scary, no doubt, but the chance of it turning out to be something beautiful is highly likely too. So, can’t we just concentrate on the positive bit? Be optimistic, like they tell us to? 

It’s like plunging into darkness and treacherous paths with a flashlight. You have something reliable but that is the only thing which will guide you. I believe that a flashlight is your self-confidence. When every other condition remains the same, trusting your ability is the only thing that will help you move forward. No matter how dark it may seem, your light will guide you. You have to trust yourself! (I should probably make this my wallpaper.)

Uncertainty can be intimidating, at the same time hopeful. When you are about to embark on a new journey in life, just remember that you got there for a reason. It simply didn’t happen. You made it happen and that is commendable. You are probably not giving enough credit for it. If you decide to start something, it means that you have what it takes to go through with it. Just do it! (a borrowed tagline).

If this article seems too clichéd, it’s because it is. I wanted to throw as much positivity as possible. Summon all the forces to make this article shine bright. It was written to motivate all of us to go ahead with whatever is planned. You may have doubts, lots of them, and the only thing to do is to brush those doubts aside and move on. Remember, every time you fell as a kid? You didn’t get up thinking- ‘Oh no, I am going to forever fall in life!’ You didn’t think at all. You spontaneously got up. We somehow lost that attitude as we grew up. (There, I am doing it again with ‘positivity stories’.)

At times, the only way to stay positive is by shoving myself with uplifting blogs. So, let me smother myself (and you all) with all the optimism that there is. So, watch out! Optimist at work! 

“Get going! Here’s the flashlight.”