It was after many years that I met with two of my close friends. Post pandemic, it was difficult to get the three of us to meet and eat and talk.With one of my friends being out of the country, it is usually the two of us who would catch up, so the union of three was to be celebrated. What better way than to eat and drink from morning till evening. We indulged in what I didn’t know was a term called ‘food crawl.’

‘Food crawl’ refers to the act of hopping from one restaurant to another with a group of friends. You try out a few dishes at each place, and the food is mostly junk. We have done ‘food crawls’ in the past whenever we three met. The only difference is that this time, i got to know there was a term for it.

The three of us met in a place called ‘The Reservoir’. Spent a few minutes screaming with joy on meeting each other and talking about how different we all looked and cursed at the ageing process. After settling in, we ordered some refreshments. I had something pineapple-y. We also ordered nachos to go with it. It was loaded with vegetables and cheese- delicious! And, barbeque wings- it was just ok. Can’t beat ‘Plan-B’ wings.

Loaded Veg Tacos

We spoke a lot, ate and drank, and contemplated if we needed something else. We were ready to move to another place but before that we ordered their signature dish – ‘Nariyal Murgh Tikka.’ The chicken was marinated in tender coconut, cooked inside a tender coconut, and served inside a tender coconut (nariyal)! Looked unique and tasted good. After filling our tummies here, we decided to go to another place because we wanted to explore.

Nariyal Murgh Tikka’

We went to another watering hole called ‘The Bier Library.’ The ambience was inviting. Lots of open space with a pond right in between. We spotted a few fishes in it. Not sure if they were koi. We continued to order our beverages and food. Couldn’t miss the fries. They are never cooked incorrectly. Lol. We lazed around reminiscing and laughing over our old office days. We were thinking of leaving when I had a sudden dessert craving. Looked at all the precious desserts in the glass case and zeroed in on a cheesecake- my fav! It was almost late evening and a couple of us wanted coffee. We headed to our next destination. 

Cheesecake with cotton candy

This time we landed in a cafe called ‘Terrabites.’ A quiet, little cafe in a bustling area. Probably, since we met on a festival holiday and Friday, the neighbourhood was calm. They had some interesting snacks. We ordered coffees and smoothies to soothe our day long yapping throats. My friend ordered a tasty snack – peanut butter, banana & chia toast. We saw a tempting box of scones and ordered a plate of them as well. It was a great evening. Relaxed with our beverages for sometime, after which we decided to part ways. 

Overall, it was a fun day. Spoke a lot and ate a lot! We visited three eateries so I would call it a mini food crawl. There was scope for more. The next time we catch up, we’ll probably visit more. Maybe, go into the night as well. At the end of the day I realized why it is called ‘crawl’. It’s a no-brainer. With minimal movement and large amounts of food that we consumed throughout the day, we ended up crawling to reach our homes!