Two Feet and Wings

A Perspective on food, life and things alike

Year: 2022


Let Go…

The mere thought of ‘letting go’ of something or someone significant from your past seems daunting. The whole idea of letting go of things from the past that no longer holds relevance to your life sounds like an irrevocable and […]


An unfair life

You have lived almost half your life. That’s when you realize you haven’t gotten anywhere. It’s usually around the birthday time when you reflect on your life. You’re alone. Maybe, not literally, but you sort of are: emotionally. There isn’t […]


Highway to Hell

I am dedicating this article to my friend. I have tried my best to retell a narration with a bit of ‘spice’ of one of her travel experiences. I could vividly picture it when she told me and was laughing […]


Food Crawl

It was after many years that I met with two of my close friends. Post pandemic, it was difficult to get the three of us to meet and eat and talk.With one of my friends being out of the country, […]


Kerala Food

This month has been a busy one. Considering how I haven’t travelled anywhere in a long time, there were lots of travel and meetups in the last few weeks. The highlight was my week-long trip to my hometown- Kerala. I […]

Angry emoji on stress ball


Let’s talk about anger. How often have we gone ‘Hulk-level’ green? Big and beastly, growling and ready to destroy. An emotion so common and most controllable, yet, we lose control with ease. It feels like the shackles are not ours […]