It felt strange, surreal, and weird. Once I got past that feeling, it was beautiful and wonderful.The thrill and joy of meeting my gang of girls after, what could be described as, an extremely long time was special. I was apprehensive at first with the whole plan of meeting and staying together because, obviously, I had been anti-social in the comforts of my home. Not hanging out with anyone, apart from your family, for a year and a half was something new. Hence, this meeting had its unique beauty. It was my first rendezvous after stepping out of my warm cocoon. 

When we met, we rejoiced by screaming and then washed our hands before we proceeded to hug each other. We all were vaccinated which sort of boosted the confidence factor. It seemed safe, alright. I had imagined myself to be aloof and anti-social considering the gap and situation we all had been in, but, hey, fit right in like a glove. It wasn’t odd one bit.

We did follow safety protocols outdoors but some lags in the common hotel areas (not proud of it).Thankfully, we all are fine. If it involved so much fear, why the meet? Well, the timing just fell in place. Gang of friends from different places in the same city after years. When I say years, I mean years, even before covid hit. Plus, the city had less covid cases at the time of meet and businesses were slowly opening up post lockdown. Everything was returning back to normal. And, before the friends drifted back to their respective cities, this meet was an absolute must. Plus, the important factor, we and our families were vaccinated. Sounds like I am trying too hard to defend my meet. It would probably be all worth it when I look back from the future. It would probably go like this – ‘Remember that crazy time we all met? Amazing, right?’

Our shenanigans were the same, crazy as always. Lots of talks, gossip, laughter, pictures, and most importantly, food. We badly wanted a good picture with all six of us.The last one we had was seven years ago! We had to update our group dp in social media (indispensable, isn’t it?). Talking about food. We as a group love food, and there were lots of it. Our common love for food defines us as a synchronous, happy group. Food- oh, so, an amazing binding force. 

The only thing I wish was different was the duration. Wish we had at least two days to spend together out of which one day is to just leisurely lie around. We realized that we had so much to catch up that a day never sufficed. But, hey, considering how this meet successfully happened during these strange times where each of us had our own life schedules, it was pretty great! No complaints.

All in all, a wonderful hangout with people who are an important part of my life. Grateful that it happened and hopeful for a bigger meet in the future. We could probably hangout without masks and sanitizers then. Sounds like a very distant future, though.