Take me to any house or show me pictures of a cozy home, and the only thought that crosses my mind is, “I wonder if that chair is comfortable?” I am on an eternal search for the best chair that makes my bottom go, “Oh yes, this is where I rest.” 

Chairs exist in different shapes. Some round, some high, some plush and some odd. There are some gigantic and plump, with pretty frills all around and some regal and sophisticated but I am not sure if my bottom is privileged enough to sit on it. It’s an unusual thing to fantasize over but I am sure you can empathize on the suffering of having been deprived of a perfect chair. You can develop aches on your neck, back, spine and bottom if you don’t sit on a proper chair. Before this sounds like an intro ad for chairs, I am only stating the obvious that there is no awesome chair. 

How about those ergonomic ones that are supposedly great for you? Even they come with limitations. They are great in an office and I guess it stops there. I mean, we don’t stay in an office the whole day do we? Besides, those chunky expensive chairs in our small rooms are non-aesthetic and non-desirable. Nope, I don’t want them. However, with Covid, those chairs have probably seen the largest spike in sales ever since an IT revolution but since I have been hanging around home pre-covid too, I didn’t have to bother: the botheration has been an incessant affair. 

The most misleading, obnoxious ones are the highly cushioned chairs. They look grand and comfy at first. They seem to impress, but just like the law of diminishing returns, it stops yielding happiness. They ultimately sag with their dying cushions and you sense pain and betrayal. They soon become the chairs that ‘look great’ in a house. The chair that everyone should get as long as you don’t intend to use them. What about recliners, you ask? The ‘Lazy-boy’, ‘barcalounger’ ones? Yes, a special mention to them. They are good for looking dead on them while you watch tv, there is zero utility. If I want to lie and watch something I would do that on my bed. It probably makes you, as the name suggests, ‘lazy.’

           I believe the chairs that are closest to my idea of a perfect fit are the wooden ones built during my grandfather years. The thick wooden chairs built by carpenters who had impeccable skills and creativity. They designed them to support the spine’s curvature with ease and comfort. You rarely heard complaints of poor chairs back then. Even if one was made for the whole house, it served its purpose. I’ve had a chance to sit on some of those that were preserved from yesteryears (not where I reside) and oh wow, were they amazing. The feeling was short-lived for I couldn’t use them all the time and nobody produces chairs of such simple yet effective craftsmanship today. Maybe the customization guys make them but I don’t wish to spend a bomb for a humble bottom-rest.  

          In short, I have googled it, I have sat on myriad ones, purchased online, but none has been worthy. Each of them look great in their own way but not for long-term commitment (no personal innuendos suggested). The thirst remains insatiated and the search continues…