It seems hazy when I try to recall the last time I watched a movie in a theatre. This amazing, ‘out of the world’ feeling when watching a superhero movie in a cinema hall feels eons ago. Oh wait, covid happened. Moving on…

We didn’t want a pandemic to prove that new movies can be watched on our big TVs from the comforts of our home. We have enough OTT platforms (over-the-top media service) that proved the same. In the last five years, OTT platforms gained popularity and proclaimed itself as an essential in the Indian market. Today, we have shows that compete with movies. With high budget production, viewers are exposed to choice and quality through these platforms. Pre-pandemic, you had theatre releases appearing on these platforms within a month of its release. During the pandemic we even saw a bunch of exclusive movie releases that skipped theatres altogether. So, if we are getting access to the latest movies from home, shouldn’t it replace a theatre experience? Would I still miss the theatres? 

I believe, the answer is indefinite. I have to elaborate; brace yourselves. 

While we believe that we watch movies in a theatre for its big screen factor, in reality it’s an overall experience that people opt for. It’s associated with a whole 3 to 4 hours of relaxation, mostly a change in your regular day. Combine the multiplex in a mall and your day is sorted. However, certain movies are built to watch on a big screen. Take your superhero movies, for instance. The VFX, sounds and cinematography is best appreciated on a giant screen with Dolby surroundings. The thrill of cheering with your fellow viewers when Cap picked up Thor’s hammer was something that wouldn’t have been replicated at home. So, does that mean all superhero franchises like MCU should be watched only on a giant screen? 

Again, the answer is a simple no and I realized this during the indoor pandemic life. 

Being a huge MCU (Marvel Cinematic Universe) fan, just like millions out there, I believed an MCU product is built for a theatre experience and nothing less. I was really skeptical when MCU announced a big line up of spin-off shows of many of our favorite MCU characters, on Disney+ (an OTT platform). I wondered about how they would grasp the attention of MCU fans who were used to watching in movie theatres. I assumed, since it’s a series, I probably have to readjust my expectations on the lower end because, after all, it’s going to be on TV. Boy, oh boy, was I wrong! ‘WandaVision’ is the first spin off series from MCU that launched on the platform last month. What started off as an off-beat manner tv series, skyrocketed into a spot-on MCU by-product. Sticking to its formulaic action and thrill, it delivered every essence that made MCU what it is today. Watching it on a small screen made no difference. By releasing episodes in a weekly manner, it has been successful in holding the interest and anticipation throughout the series. It is not an exaggeration to say that this franchise will run strong even through a small screen. 

While there are shows and movies that have done great on OTT platforms, the Disney+ series is an example to introspect. The reception received for an MCU spin-off show is simple proof that even a famed franchise that was meant to be made for the large screen can deliver the exact punch in the comforts of your home. You do not necessarily want a giant screen to be blown away. Post pandemic, the viewers may transit back and forth between movie theatres and TV screens but its end result is dependent on the kind of experience they seek. Until then, let’s stick to our TV because isn’t it one less new thing to adopt during the pandemic?