Two Feet and Wings

A Perspective on food, life and things alike

Year: 2020


A Crown of Idiocy

Teach and people ought to follow. Discipline is taught at an early age. Mothers teach their children (assumed all mothers do) about discipline, rules and regulations which is further reinforced with exposure to schools and people. Personality, character development and […]


The Evolutionary Necessity

Needs and necessities were constructed constants to aid us in our existence. Basic food, water, clothes and shelter made the list aeons ago. With the passage of time, needs obviously changed and evolved into commodities that pretty much became indispensable […]


All Hail, the Baker

I always consider a ‘kitchen’ to be a battlefield of sorts. A physical and emotional field where there are techniques, strategies, conflicts, planning and rationing, (pain too) where you emerge victorious or down right defeated. As terrifying (and exaggerated) as […]


A Bleak Travel Program

How is travel going to look from now on? Especially the wanderlust folks who draw their energy from constant travel are pondering over their future plans. While we know nothing is permanent and this tough time shall also pass, it […]


A Fancy Wrist

How did we keep track of how much we walked, ran, slept, ate, drank,and myriad other things during a time when nobody knew that these things were supposed to be tracked? A job some nosy neighbour or accomplice would have […]


When Skype was Family

Once upon a time, in a video calling world, Skype was ‘cool’, numero uno and a ‘happening’ technology. Though it is still thriving well, it currently resonates to a professional world (the intention with which it was built), for, the […]


So, what’s new?

Quarantine, lock-down, isolation.. All things we humans were to eliminate from our protocol of a happy social life, is turning out to be a life-saving tactic during these Covid times. Nobody in their wildest dreams would have imagined that you […]