Ah, the odd days. The days when you are at a standstill, not knowing where your path will take you. Like a car that refuses to start or a cow that refuses to budge, you are left with nothing but a series of contemplative actions. You are not going anywhere. 

If you ever start to wind up your old records to relive through every scenario, you will be sucked into a vortex. Mindless twirling thought bubbles that you cannot escape. A swirl of negativity with unlimited sprinkles of desolation will engulf you. It may look fancy on the outside but it’s no party inside. You question, you debate, you may even work up a flowchart of decisions, but it’s ultimately in vain. Like a dormant volcano, the triggers are going to make you erupt. Make sure your vicinity is evacuated else the casualties are going to suffer a permanent scar. At times, the spread of lava can be controlled but at other times, it’s beyond your control. So, should we make sure that we never drive to the point of a catastrophic eruption? Yes, if the catalysts didn’t exist. Simpler said than done.

The reigns of our emotions are not always in our hands. The weather can loosen our control. Information in the form of publicizing news can stir us in a direction that is not desirable. Oh wait, how about those crowds that you cannot disperse? Did we forget our internal chemicals? What an odd combination of catalysts that never ceases to work; and it’s fresh every time! There’s never a shortage. Is it possible to dodge all of it? Not really, but you can probably tweak your reaction. But, no matter how much you try it will lead you to a path of reactions that you wish never existed. If only we had an ability to switch ourselves to a mode when disaster was imminent. “Robot mode : ON”. An impermeable layer will form around you and you become immune to emotions. You will also lose your ability to react explosively. You may make creaky sounds during that time, but that’s tolerable. 

Is there a process where you can preemptively avoid these catalysts from functioning in future? It may involve a rough journey back and you will have choices. But, will it work? What if you could board the train that takes you back to where you started? Will that lead to different inferences? Catastrophes that can be avoided? Given the maturity and emotional build that you have developed today, would that help you take a different route if you had to start all over again? Think over it.. 1….2….3…. Heck, no. I’ll board the same train for that’s how my internal structure is built. I’ll go through a similar path where the catastrophe may change its form but it will wait for me to get there. As for the catalysts, they’ll surface with newer properties. The kind that could have never been anticipated.

So is that it? Yes.. Pretty much. You will have catalysts and you will have catastrophes of varying intensity. So get out and fix your car that refuses to start and wait patiently for the cow to budge, as long as you can differentiate between four legs and four wheels. 

The End.