When is it too late before you realize to take a plunge in a direction that is contrary to the set foundation? Is there an expiration date for the plunge that was mentioned somewhere in tiny fonts, which you somehow overlooked? Were you deafened by the faint sounds around you that called you to stick to the protocol but you had decided to launch yourself out anyways? 

I like to believe that my above foreword might have been cryptic. Incomprehensible at the same time obvious about what that implies. Yes. Life decisions and choices. We all have found ourselves at junctures where quite often life changing decisions are what defines you. In a smooth flow, where everything moves easily at every instance, a flow that is pre-certified and approved by everyone (not sure who defined them), there is least resistance. The moment you stop to evaluate and decide to choose a different path or maybe plunge to depths that are not ‘normally’ preferred; friction is going to act upon you strongly. The frictional forces are purely external for your internal resistance was the first step you surpassed before you decided to take the plunge. 

What is generally observed is that when the plunge or momentary shift in life directions is taken at a young age, the consequences or so-called ‘damages done’ are minimal. Connected lives and scenarios don’t have a major impact. It is easy to move on from it. But, if this happens at later stages of your life when things are expected to be already set, like the custard you placed in your fridge, havoc is set to break loose. Does that mean, there is a limited window in which you have to take your haphazard decisions and life changes for after that you are on an auto-pilot mode? Yes, only if your life was a pre-built robot with set instructions. (Un)fortunately, you are only human. 

Life would have been simpler if nobody cared about anyone or anything anyone did. But,that would defeat the purpose of sense and belonging. A purpose so strong that keeps us going, especially at times when everything fails. While we cannot completely do away with the fact that people are involved at all times, we cannot let that stop us from doing what you desire or seek. We are different individuals leading different lives. A single family alone has members leading different day-to-day lives, let alone society. It’s obviously unfair that others get judgemental and involved in the life of other adults where paths and choices taken vary based on phases and incidents that the individual is subjected to. They may have pain,sorrows or desires that another may not perceive. They will definitely be moulded in ways that their life has taken them and they will take decisions that suit them. Fruitful or not, they will learn from it, but this life is ours and theirs to live. If not supportive let’s not be judgemental. 

No matter how major or life-altering a decision is, there is no age or society that can bar you from taking it. “You want to quit your job to do something offbeat; do it if you are convinced of it”. “You want to end a relationship that has brought you sorrow and pain; go ahead because only you know how hurtful it is”. “If as a couple you decide to not have children; nobody has the right to question your choice.” “You want to stay single as long as you desire; do what makes you happy.” These were only a glimpse of some of the obstacles and paths that a person might face. You can decide to change your life any instant as the reins of control are solely with you! 

Take the plunge ‘cautiously’ (not recklessly just for the sake of it) and believe in yourself. The flow may not be streamlined but the faint resistive sounds that you hear are going to die down eventually.