Quarantine, lock-down, isolation.. All things we humans were to eliminate from our protocol of a happy social life, is turning out to be a life-saving tactic during these Covid times. Nobody in their wildest dreams would have imagined that you could save the world by simply staying at home. (Sounds like a story woven by an introvert). Well by now, this reality has sunken in and it’s a new world almost all have adapted to: some grim, some mellow, some unhappy, while for few others ‘it’s just not that bad a phase’.

An introspective look from my side, for the lockdown journey in the last couple of months, may not reveal anything ground-breaking nor anything extraordinary (spoiler alert, perhaps!?) but I can confidently say that I have been at my least chaotic best. 

Since I have been a homebody for quite some time, much before our world went into a lockdown crisis, this phase has not been cruel to me. Infact, I believe it has calmed me to a large extent knowing that I am not an outcast anymore. Yes, that’s right, when you are leading a life which is not perceived to be normal when compared to others (secure job, marital status, etc.) you somewhere are an outcast in the society. This phase has brought all the ‘normal’ beings to adapt to a new lifestyle in an indoor space. A space which has been my pro zone (kind of like your favourite level that you ace in your video games); so, “welcome everybody, stop complaining.”

While few things have changed in the household, with respect to the other family members not stepping out , I pretty much did not have a major change. I did step out to occasionally catch up with friends, eat out or to run minimal errands. Rest of the time, it’s an indoor life. Yes, I do miss meeting my friends but that’s compensated with our group catch up calls now. A feature which was forever existing but randomly used because let’s just say everyone was ‘busy.’ My dynamic workout pattern (dynamic also means ‘whenever I please’) has made an indoor one the best suited for me. The only enhancement or let’s say the urge to do something unique (apart from my writing space) is in the kitchen. Getting those culinary skills sharpened with immense research on food and food techniques is sort of my latest fad. Now before you and I can assume that here’s another ‘lockdown chef’, I want to clarify that my baking craze is nothing new but now I have sort of ventured into a bit of fancy and advanced cooking. (Level Advance: Check). Home-made pizzas, bread and baked chicken are my favourite accomplishments. (Damn, I love my oven!). Due to my heightened acid refluxes at regular intervals, a new affinity to less spicy food has risen (yes, it’s a major crisis for the Indian me). Hence learnings and experimentation with different seasonings and food preparations have come forth too. 

I cannot not mention the internal family dynamics during this time. While it is eternally possible to drive each other complete bonkers, there has been some relaxation in the level of tolerance with each other during this time. The pre-existing state of being homebound for a long time has kind of made it simple to transition into the current one for our invisible boundaries and individual spaces were previously charted out (and old issues and problems were already covered and fought over). It’s also probably because we know that there are no two ways out of it but to rather try and accommodate and deal with our shenanigans! I for instance don’t have the internal turmoil of wishing I was not here anymore. Truth be told, I realized that there is no other place I’d rather be stuck at than my home sweet (and sour) home!

….. My love and prayers to all who are separated and to all who are fighting through these hard times .…..