Road in between scenic mountain

How many times have we come across beautiful, awe-inspiring quotes accompanied by glamorous scenic pictures urging us to stop whatever we are doing and induce a feeling of desire to escape the present? Surely, those prettily portrayed travel quotes and advertisements have made me slip away from reality for at least a brief moment before i am swept back to my present to contrive my next travel plan.

It’s quite obvious how the whole concept of travel has been glamorized to make it appear like an essential need, thanks to Instagram! The beautiful beaches, the snowy mountains, the amazing food, you name it and there’s a picture to prove that travelling to seek these are heavenly and, most importantly, photogenic. Leaving aside the fact that you get to flaunt wonderful pictures after your travel, there is an altogether refreshing experience that you undergo which leaves a lasting impression for days that follow. I am referring to how you can rejuvenate your life and bring bliss within by simply travelling.

It does sound like I am stating the obvious. Who doesn’t know these? But, the point I would want to emphasize is that it doesn’t matter where you travel to. It doesn’t have to be fancy, picturesque and social-media worthy. Travelling doesn’t necessarily have to burn a hole in your pocket. You can choose places within your budget, far or near. You need to be aware that the concept of ‘travel’ is not a one-size-fits-all policy and it will vary on your needs and purpose. Irrespective, of the magnitude of your travel plans, you are bound to come back highly spirited with imbibed learnings for life. Simple lessons that you pick up by observing your new environment, people and nature instills a sense of questioning within, at the same time makes you more appreciative of your life. Simple worries that seemed to consume your mind in entirety cease to exist. You must have heard of people talking about how a particular travel experience changed their life. It may sound like an overstatement but in reality, certain journeys have the power to transform you!

Big or small, solo or in groups; you need to travel. You need a break from today’s mundane and hustling lives to bring in vigour and liveliness. Doesn’t matter even if your sole intention of travelling is to click and share pictures, as long as you thoroughly dwell and absorb what is around you, it really doesn’t matter. You are going to return a better person. Travel is simply the best energizer hack you could get. It’s an organic refreshment pill : a refreshment popper!