
I am not sure if the title is a bit of an overstatement but I believe a cafe’ is an escape pod from your mundane life. I don’t know what it is about them but they intrigue me and make me happy. Strange?! I certainly don’t think so.

Is it the smell of freshly brewed hot beverage that draws me towards them? Is it the delightful little bites that yearn to be eaten by a foodie that attract me? What about the trendy & hip interiors that every new cafe’ has to offer? Is my inner urge to study these designs attracting me like a moth towards fire? What about the fact that I can be laid back and comfortable in those cafe’ chairs and couches, voraciously reading my book that I have eagerly been wanting to complete. Or is it just my companion and friends that I catch-up with in these places who please me? The answer is all of the above. It is an intricate combination of all these wonderful thoughts and experience that make me adore cafes’.

I generally pick new cafes’ that have sprung in the neighbourhood for meeting friends. Considering the rate at which these outlets grow, I never have a shortage of picking a place for my next rendezvous. The hipper the better (builds an illusion of making me younger) at the same time smaller the cooler! It feels refreshing to study the creative interiors of these places which is in unison with themes such as pop-culture, classic or quirkiness (to name a few). As I settle in, the aroma of fresh tea, coffee and delicious snacks instills a sense of simple joy in me; makes me think,”This looks nice.” All these material observations are followed by continuous conversations and heart-felt discussions with my company who make this whole experience worthwhile. I obviously lose track of time and i continue basking in the moment. I must clarify that solitude is also best enjoyed in these places. I can either catch up on my work, thoughts or leisurely read a book with a piping hot cup of tea in hand. The ‘me-time’ works perfectly here!

I have spoken about my love for cafes’ in a manner that make them resemble uniqueness. But, in fact its commonness is what appeals to me. Why don’t you ponder over the thoughts that i have expressed here, the next time you decide to visit one. Perhaps it may turn out to be a safe haven; an escape from reality.