Group of adults standing together and checking their respective mobile phones.

Today’s era demands an ultra cool look if you expect to be noticed or simply desire to dwell amidst the moving wave of digitization. So what is that one cool thing that will possibly define who you are? Or in simpler words, what is that one thing, in today’s world that you cannot ‘survive’ without? If you were thinking the basics such as food, water or the air we breathe, you are surely mistaken. The answer is in fact in your pocket (or your bag, or some form of a container or customized clothes that accommodate gigantic pockets); your mobile phone!

I should be more specific. The present generation would own a ‘’Smartphone,’’ as the mere use of the term ‘mobile phone’ would not only degrade its value but also throw back a person’s imagination to a lame chunky boring old modeled phone.

Smartphones have become a necessity. It’s a powerhouse of all the coolest apps and functions you could possibly find in the digital world. Socialize, research, or simply call; anything and everything. You can literally find a Smartphone in every person’s hand. But what troubles me is that a major set of people owning these Smartphones are not exploring it to the extent that is demanded of it. I have come across many people who discuss about their latest phone and the exorbitant price they have spent to purchase it, but when I take a look at it, I find nothing extraordinary about it except for the fact that it is BIG and disquieting to hold! I see them use their Smartphones to access social networking sites or to check mails. I’m still not getting the hoopla over the ‘Smartphone culture’. I mean you are not completely utilizing your expensive phone. What you are using it for is a mere ‘fashion statement.’ Well, it seems that the simple use of non-smartphones will give you an ugly complex.

Time has come to a stance where the phrase ‘big is better’ is dominating the Smartphone world. They are literally increasing the size of a phone to such an extent that at times it is ridiculously big and silly looking. I have seen people requiring their entire palm to converse over their phone. Yes, you look zany, not SMART. I have also noticed how the Smartphone world has revolutionized the interactive/socializing arena. May it be a lunch with colleagues or a gathering with acquaintances, everyone are so engrossed in their phone to either update what they are eating or what they are doing rather than sinking in the present and maybe actually doing something meaningful. By ‘doing something meaningful,’ doesn’t demand you to save the world, I’m just implying you to talk to the person right next to you and burst the awkward aura of, ‘my phone’s more smarter than you’.  If you notice some of these weird behaviours being showcased by a Smartphone user, they come across as anything but ‘smart.’

I’m trying my best to not sound like one of those marketing laggards who do not understand the importance of Smartphones in today’s world. But I’m definitely trying to connote that, let the phone not get the better of you. Let your Smartphone help you grow intellectually. After all, a phone was built to connect people not destroy one’s charisma.