Mix of colour clouds of red, blue, cyan and orange colours

Complexion is hardly a topic to discuss about yet decade long debates on how people are seemingly neutral to complexion choices is phoney. Our country claims to have progressed in myriad spheres yet majority of human thoughts and choices are still stuck in the generation of rotary phones! Yes, our population majorly comprises of boofheads who will forever be fixated on a ‘fair’ skin tone.

I was of the belief that colour discrimination were something of the past. Maybe, dated back to the time when the pretty looking (only ‘looking’) fair British men ruled our country. But hey, turns out I was staggeringly wrong! What brought about my recent attention to such a subject was when I watched a regional language daily soap opera based on the protagonist woman who is dark toned. Now before you imagine my insanity level for watching a daily soap let me clarify, I have my dinner facing the television during that particular time slot, and since my mother watches it, I have no choice.  (Not really, I can choose not to watch it, but it is way too much fun to laugh out loud at a TV character’s miserable life; no I’m not a sadist). The story shows how the young protagonist (maybe in her mid-twenties) is subjected to various forms of mockery and harsh treatment because she is dark coloured. Her wedding proposals are rejected which are attributed to her complexion. I mean they literally call her by names that mean pitch dark, black monkey, night, black crow (sounds like a reference to Game of Thrones) and many more hideous identities. Though the serial is clichéd and exaggerates the atrocities she faces because she’s dark, it kind of makes you wonder maybe some form of colour discrimination still exists.

Just look around and wonder at the number of fairness creams that sell like hot cakes in the market. It’s pretty huge! Look at all the advertisements targeted at women who are dark and how they can reach the sky if they turn fair (Yeah, right).  They literally shun the women population who are dark toned. They make it seem that the only reason they do not progress in society is because they are dark and unappealing (Not because she might actually be talentless or daft). They guarantee a sure shot to fame if they apply fairness creams! The marketing world depicts ‘white’ as a synonym for ‘success.’ What the dickens!

Wait there’s more to this ludicrous market. There are fairness creams for men! They apparently make you fair, handsome and help you turn into a chick magnet. (Looks like chick magnet deodorants didn’t work). Tell me since when have men become obsessed with their skin tone? They too aspire to be fair? I mean, really?! So what happens to the phrase ‘the fairer sex?’ Which gender will we be referring to?

It’s pretty obvious that we live in a pretentious world where most believe that your skin tone will apparently decide your future. How preposterous! You are who you are or choose to be. Strive for a better and worthy life by working hard and following your passions. Seek happiness out of little joys in life that does not include painting your skins. In the end what really matters is the person beneath not the facade you put up.